You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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(diaryland) October 02, 2013 - 12:07 p.m.

Uni's getting to that crap bit where I have a headache every day and people don't even know if I'm alive anymore.

I am alive. But not fully alive. Four weeks to go.

I have an annoyingly boring essay due on Monday that's 4000 words. I have written 3000 of nonsense.

I have a recipe I invented. It's a lunchtime recipe. So easy.



  • Lentils. I wish I had puy lentils, but I used green lentils. Result: something that looks mushy but tastes good.
  • A beetroot or a can of beetroot. I had a can of sliced beetroot.
  • Red onion
  • Nice seeds or pine nuts or something.
  • Optional: lettuce or rocket

    Night before: Get some lentils. Like, 1 cup. Soak them for a few hours, then cook. Drain them.

    On the day: Cut up half the red onion into little bits. Cut beetroot into basically 1cm cubes. Mix them into the lentils. Also sprinkle some seeds or nuts in. Then swirl some greens in if you want.

    Done. You now have probably 4 lunches.

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