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(diaryland) October 30, 2012 - 3:33 p.m.

Q: Is it actually possible to genuinely like post rock?

A: I do, but if somebody asked me what kind of music I'm into, it starts to sound pretty fey.Post rock, post punk, bummer. I remember being in Sydney art gallery with some cousins-in-law, and we were all looking at this big canvas of perfectly formed rectangles of different colours representing the artist's mood for a whole year, and one cousin yelled, "HOW IS THIS ART?!?!?!?!" And I was kinda vibing to it. Not that it was my favourite work of art or anything. It was a bit dry and process-driven, but it let the imagination flow for a minute or two there.

I don't know; I just really like post rock. I read a lot of comments on a Natural Snow Buildings YouTube clip about how nobody could genuinely like their music. Maybe they're not using it right. It's more like a soundtrack to accompany a walk through the suburbs, instead of a song that becomes the focal point for a moment. I got so much homework to do.

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