You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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(diaryland) May 06, 2009 - 9:59 a.m.

A Dream.

I was in a big hall, and the vibe was like an indoor craft market or gem show, except there were a lot of opaque white plastic containers with serial numbers written on them in texta on all of the tables. It was really crowded.

I thought, yes, I probably need one of those containers. In the dream, I knew what was happening, but me as myself, I was thinking, gee, how do I know what's going on? I think this was because it was just before my alarm was about to go off, so I was on the verge of knowing it was a dream.

Anyway, it turned out that these plastic containers were coffins. I think that a lot of them had ashes in them. Also, people were ordering them in advance, like I was. I got a plastic one, about 40cm wide and 30cm deep. I wondered whether I should be getting myself cremated when the time came in order to fit into there. I wondered why all these coffins were really small.

There was this guy at a stall who was painting them. He told me that I could have mine painted because I had regularly given to charity or something like that. If you hadn't been philanthropic, you couldn't get a painting on yours. He had some fluffy paint that he put on the lid of my plastic coffin first which made the painting over the top like a mini relief sculpture. Then he painted a really cool cartoon picture of a biblical style scene. One lady, and two boys. This specifically represented something about what I had done in my life in allegorical way.

I think I was going to find out more but then my alarm went off. It was really confusing because I thought I had set it for half an hour later. I tried to go to sleep again but the dream never came back. They never do.

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