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(diaryland) August 21, 2008 - 11:46 a.m.

I don't know what is wrong with my right eye. It's always letting me down. It's a fuck-up. Why can't it be more like my left eye? Yes, certainly, my left eye was the first-born so maybe I show it a little more love.

I'm joking. I think they were both born at the same time.

Anyway, my right eye is always having relationship crises or financial problems or whatever. It's usually itchy. Last year, the eyeball melted. Now, it's the eyelid causing problems. It's sort of red and swelled up in the inner corner. I think it's a dry skin problem, but knowing my right eye as I do, I think it's being dramatic and getting an infection of some description.

I suppose I should go to the doctor, but why should I spend any more money on this eye? It will only turn around and bite me in the arse some other way.

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