You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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(diaryland) April 18, 2006 - 11:11 p.m.

I went to a church on Easter Sunday by myself because a friend of mine was singing some Easter tunes in a little choir and I thought I should go and support her.

Churches always give me a really weird vibe. There's some underlying communal thing going on that I can't trust. I think they all think as one. Also, they have that whole God thing going on. The spookiest thing is when they see a new person in the congregation and they all swoop down on you and talk to you about plants and ABC TV shows and things.

Anyway, everybody had to sing a bunch of hymns but I couldn't partake. Sometimes I get this uppity thing about being an atheist. I don't know why I couldn't just sing along, but I pointedly kept my mouth shut and stood there, up the back of the church, disinterested. What a bad sport.

Afterwards, everybody stood about in a draughty hall with instant coffee and mingled. This is the time in which I learned many things about plants and ABC TV shows. This was also the time when I found out that 80-year-old guys think I'm really hot.

I vacated the place very, very soon after that.

Hey, Roland and I tried to make up the most offensive band name ever. So far, we came up with 'Unconscious Mong Rapist and the Awesome Sex Hitlers'. Next, we need to think of an overall look for the band. I'm thinking filthy moustaches and dandruff.

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