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(diaryland) November 17, 2005 - 1:21 p.m.

I got roped into playing some church organ at some Christmas Eve do with a choir and shit. We had our first rehearsal yesterday. The good news is, the choir sings about as well as my organ playing, which means the whole thing can only be described as not cool. That fact might become bad news when there is an actual audience.

I have to kick the whole thing off with a florid organ solo with the 'number 4' setting on the organ. I don't know what the 'number 4' setting means, and I also don't know how to play the solo. In fact, I have shitloads of solos. I'd better learn them good.

I also got roped into playing some bells at some other thing. Like, one of those things where a number of people grab specific bells off a table and ring them. I don't know exactly what it is yet, but I hope we all get to wear lederhosen.

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