You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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(diaryland) October 20, 2005 - 8:49 a.m.

Some freaking spiders and insects and shit are trying to get me.

A few days ago, I was putting washing on the line and suddenly a bee was on my giant slipper. It was crawling slowly towards my leg. As any person would do, I yanked off the slipper and threw it over the other side of the yard like a discus. Since I did the normal thing, I expected the bee to do the normal thing, which was to fly off. But, it didn't. It stayed there. I put the rest of the washing on the line with one increasingly wet foot. It stayed there. I went inside for a couple of hours. I went out. It stayed there.

It was still on there after midnight when some guy found it, flicked it off the slipper and brought the slipper inside.


Then, on Tuesday, I was really late for my piano lesson, and I got into my car and was greeted by a really big spider on the dashboard. It's hard to explain, but it looked kind of like a nice guy, though I couldn't drive around with it. No way. And so, I ran inside to get a jar and cardboard, and then came back and it wiggled a bit, so I decided, no, I'm not agile enough to do the pouncing with the jar thing. And so I got a broom and prodded it all the way out of the car until it ran onto the roof, then I swept it onto the ground (hopefully). I left the broom on the nature strip, and sped off.

Unfortunately, speeding off meant that I actually left the front door open for two hours. Nothing got stolen.

In some strange way, I think leaving the front door open is a good security measure because it looks like someone is home.

I won't be doing it again, though.

I was scared the next day that I would be attacked by a scorpion, but I didn't. Instead, I got insect bites all over my ankles.

I don't know who did it.

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