You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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(diaryland) March 01, 2005 - 4:02 p.m.

OK. I started uni again this week.

It wasn't as scary or as tedious as I thought it would be, even though I sort of have to repeat a subject because last year I did it as a hurdle, and this year I have to do all the exact same stuff, except get marked on it. So it will be easy, yet boring.

And the 'singing in the choir' class was way better than I thought it would be. We get to sing Mozart's Requiem. I don't normally like Mozart, but this will be OK. The only problem is I sound like I'm yelling when I'm singing, and also I can't help singing Latin in a broad Australian accent, I discovered. And for some reason, we are not meant to sing the Latin in a Latin accent, but rather we must sing the Latin in a German accent. Also, I don't know any Latin. But it's all good. We get to sing with some German orchestra thing in a big concert at the end of semester and get put on CD, and I can loiter up the back somewhere of the alto section in rehearsals, sending messages to people on my phone. Perhaps it is now the best compulsory subject ever.

I almost died yesterday though because I moved house on the weekend and sleeping seems almost impossible.

Oh, well. I'll get there.

I hurt my finger.

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