You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


older/gbook/>>(in case of__)__//before&after ___my youtube__...
My novel 2004.. My novel 2006.. My novel 2008..

(diaryland) December 17, 2004 - 2:48 p.m.

Hey. I went to see Cobra Killer last night.

It was strange, because the place where Cobra Killer were playing was also the place where the Blade 3 afterparty was being held, so it was filled to the rafters with two different types of wankers, as opposed to just the one type. One girl who I randomly talked to said that she had to squish past Wesley Snipes or something in order to go to the toilet.

The first act was officially awful. They were called Always and it was pretty much some guy purposefully wearing dorky, ill-fitting clothes and whining like a child for half an hour. I wanted to kick his arse.

The next group was called Kiosk. They were pretty good. They shouted in a very high-pitched manner for about twenty minutes and then after that, I had an asthma attack.

Cobra Killer finally came on and I stood behind Albert on this platformy thing. Standing behind Albert also meant standing behind a thick cloud of ganja which kept blowing onto me, so I still felt all coughy.

I think I'm getting too old or something. Cobra Killer started at 11:30, and I couldn't help wishing I was at home, curled up and knitting, watching some documentary about the royal family. But I held up alright and managed to prop my eyes open and enjoy the gig.

Anyway, in case you don't already know, Cobra Killer are two shouty German ladies with a slightly inappropriate fascist visual aesthetic who have many technical problems, which somehow makes the whole thing better. I saw them one time when they supported Peaches, who I hated, and this time they did pretty much the same thing that they did last time, which was lovely, except I was more tired.

Gosh, I think it's almost time I checked into an old person's home.

Also, this entry took over two hours to write.

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