You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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My novel 2004.. My novel 2006.. My novel 2008..

(diaryland) May 31, 2004 - 5:16 p.m.

Right now, I am avoiding doing a very short assignment involving the description of a Japanese drumming concert I saw a number of months ago and have now forgotten all the details about. I remember that there were big drums, and little drums. There were also teapot-shaped things that made a clanging sound. But that's all I can remember.

I am also attempting to learn to play this thing called Sonata 6 by a moustachioed Russian named Scriabin. He lived around the turn of the last century. He died because he got a zit under his moustache, and it got infected. The sonata is so weird that Scriabin freaked out when he wrote it and had to get someone else to actually play it. I can understand that. It sounds like a giant furry black spider crawling over somebody's bed. It says things above parts of the music in French. I don't know French, and I tried to translate it. As far as I know, it says to play a particular thing 'with a warm content'. You also have to play with a 'mysterious breath'. Another bit just says, 'wing'. I don't know how to play something 'wing'.

I think I need someone who speaks French.

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