You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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My novel 2004.. My novel 2006.. My novel 2008..

(diaryland) January 12, 2004 - 11:32 a.m.

Good morning.

I have begun work again. I woke up at 5AM this morning, worried about being at work, and I couldn't get back to sleep again.

So, I went on the train, all tired, but then when I got to work, I spent the first two hours eating sherbet bombs, so I feel quite awake now. My tongue tingles.

All very interesting.

I went on a spending spree yesterday, in a little place I like to call Clayton. It is the dried and non-perishable foods capital of the world.

I bought noodles, spaghetti, sauce, lollies, cake mix, all the things you could ever wish for in your wildest non-perishable food dreams. I bought many things. I bought fifty sanitary pads for five bucks. In my land, this is many for not much.

I also bought a new bowl for my newly-found noodles.

Roland and I crammed a bootful of food into the car and it cost like 40 bucks.

We won't be eating the sanitary pads, though.

I like Clayton a lot.

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