You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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My novel 2004.. My novel 2006.. My novel 2008..

(diaryland) December 20, 2001 - 3:56 p.m.

Last night, Rosie oversold something.

She told Tristan and I about this show called Wasteland. She said there was this dude on it who everyone called Gothic Dave. When they talked to him, they�d say, �Hi, Gothic Dave!� She said he was the best thing in the show. She said the show was worth watching because of him. Gothic Dave. I thought the show was ABOUT Gothic Dave. We were excited.

The show started. Gothic Dave wasn�t in the credits. Troubling.

Then there were a bunch of teens fucking each other. Still no Gothic Dave.

Then this guy went home to his dingy apartment. �Hey, that�s where Gothic Dave lives!� Rosie shouted. Gothic Dave lives in a shared house, see. We were all very excited. But he didn�t seem to be at home. There was just another housemate sitting on the couch called Ty. The people in the show who aren�t Gothic Dave are called things like Ty and Vandy. They are preppies.

We kept going. We watched the teens fight and stuff. Some teens got locked in a room and they punched each other and had a meaningful conversation. We wanted them to stop and go back to Gothic Dave�s apartment. They kept fighting. Tristan got tired and disillusioned and went home. I decided to persevere, just in case. I thought, if Gothic Dave turns up, and I�m not here, I�ll kick myself.

Finally, right at the very end of the show, the door opened, and a little shadow walked briskly across the room. Vandy said, �Hi,� at it. �WAHHH!!!! THAT�S GOTHIC DAVE!!!!� Shouted Rosie. Then, after like two seconds, he was gone. I laughed my arse off. That was it?!?! That was my reward of sticking around for the whole show? One teeny tiny moment? We didn�t see ANYTHING. Vandy didn�t even say, �Hi, Gothic Dave.� It was just plain old, �Hi.� Goddamn.

I remain feeling unfulfilled.

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