You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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(diaryland) December 06, 2001 - 9:45 a.m.

I went to a seminar about Autocad. Autocad is the most boring architectural drafting program ever, but everyone uses it. There�s nothing exciting about it. NOTHING.

But at the seminar, there was a muscly guy with Advanced Hair� and a special microphone running around, screaming, �Autocad is all about DEFENCE and ATTACK!�

In one of the designated breaks, I sat by myself and tried to have a nap. I didn�t want to have a fake conversation with some guy in a business suit about how long I�d been using Autocad. But, unfortunately, it still happened.

Then a timid-looking chick with a red face came up to me and said, �Do you also hate large social gatherings?�

I wanted to say, �No. It�s just that everyone here gives me the shits,� but of course I didn�t. We displayed our name tags to each other. Then we made some jokes about Model Space and Paper Space and Autocad shit like that. It was so nerdy.

I got a free biscuit and pen.

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