You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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(diaryland) October 02, 2001 - 8:54 a.m.

I haven't been able to do very much diary stuff lately due to extreme piano practice, lack of computer and going to do stuff with highly interesting people. The good news is, I have a whole bunch of entries on disk just waiting to be pasted up here. Tonight

Did you know: that Souljacker by the Eels is the best song ever written?

I mean, I thought the Eels was great when I rushed out and bought the Novocaine for the Soul single, man. Then, wham! Out came Susan�s House. Extraordinary! And then that Goddamn right song, and then the one about loving birds. Then, what the fuck? Out comes this song. It�s the best song ever! Stop it, the Eels! You are making me feel uncomfortable! And I don�t understand the video for it! An extra ten points!

It�s the kind of song that makes you want to go out and drive huge trucks for some reason.

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