You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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(diaryland) August 24, 2001 - 2:19 p.m.

Michele and I did karaoke. This was my first time.

The videos that played during the songs looked, quite rightly as Michele pointed out, just like opening scenes to pornos. A guy told Michele retired porno actresses often went on and did karaoke videos. Sweet.

Some people in school uniforms belted out Baby One More Time by Britney Spears. It was vaguely amusing. A chick with a really good voice and a guy with a really crap voice did You�re the One that I Want from Grease.

Soon, it was our turn. Seven of us went up and did Simply the Best by Tina Turner. The highlight of our rendition of the song was when Michele almost pissed her pants laughing. I think I sang too loud, but I was overcompensating as I didn�t have a microphone. It was fun.

A guy did a song that the karaoke machine claimed to be called I�m So Exited (sic) which made for much frivolity. The guy was funny. He sang it really dopily. You had to be there. I was.

And then Michele and I did a duet of Eternal Flame by the Bangles. It was stirring, to say the least. Michele was naughty and sang something else a lot. I sang far too loudly again, but this time I had a microphone. I think people liked us. We were astonishingly good, though. Uh, yeah.

Fuck, it was fun.

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