You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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(diaryland) August 16, 2001 - 9:31 a.m.


Why am I so disorganised?

Well, I do know why. It�s because I�m lazy. And my mind is like a colander with little miniscule thoughts falling through it like dust all the time. I don�t remember very much. And I don�t often have very big thoughts.

I am so lazy! Yet I am always very busy. I don�t know quite how that works, because I can�t remember what it is I do all the time. I think I spend most of my time procrastinating. I�ve even procrastinated about finding my purse. Yeah, yeah. I will find it tomorrow.

And right now, dear diary, I am using you as a pawn in my diabolical struggle to put things off even further. Here I am at work, writing in you and drawing a picture of a very tall person, when I am meant to be drawing a dreary site plan of a dreary house.

I yawn!

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