You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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(diaryland) August 11, 2001 - 11:42 a.m.

Sorry to bring this up, but P Diddy is giving me the shits more than usual this week. I think it's because of his obnoxious new video that's out now. Something about him being a 'really bad boy'. Like a 'really, really bad' one. It begins with a sunny neighbourhood clouding over due to the arrival of P and a bunch of cute chicks in a bus. There's a lot of cute chicks. That's because P Diddy is a 'bad boy'. Oh, and then all this stuff happens, like P Diddy playing golf on the roof and such things. I think he's trying to make fun of himself. I think. But the bottom line is, I don't really care, luv. P Diddy, you are about as badass as ice cream. I'm more badass than you, and the worst thing I ever did was inadvertently steal a magazine from a shop that had a picture of Mariah Carey on the front.

Also, that name change. I know it's bothering a lot of people, but if you think about it, it's just a smidge sillier than his last name. I saw an interview with him, and he explained that someone made up the name and started calling him that and everyone else started to as well and it wasn't his idea at all. Now, this is probably just me, but if someone started calling me P Diddy, I'd say something like, "Dude, stop calling me that." But obviously, little P just couldn't bring himself to do that. Maybe someone even threw a cushion at him, and he got worried. "OK, OK! I'll let you call me P Diddy!" he may have said. He doesn't like having cushions thrown at him.

Oh, and why is Dave Navarro in the video? Why? WHY?

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