You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


older/gbook/>>(in case of__)__//before&after ___my youtube__...
My novel 2004.. My novel 2006.. My novel 2008..

(diaryland) July 28, 2001 - 6:27 p.m.

Yo. I saw you at a rock show. I did this shit stare. "Uhhhhhhhhhhhmmmmm........." Oh, it's you. It could be you. Your hair still sucks. You did a shit stare. Yep, it was you.

And so I steered clear and enjoyed myself because I wished you weren't there. Which was different to way back when. I used to be say smart things and you looked at my finger when I cut it open and sprayed all over plaster. Which is something similar I did when I was three. My finger was probably the best moment of my life up until that point, beyotch. Because of you, of course.

Damn, you ugly.

Best moments have cropped up and surpassed themselves and I hate you now. Yep. I really do. I wanted to biff you somehow but the best revenge is socialising on the other side of the room very well. We all know that.

NO EVIL I LOVE YOU THOUGHTS. EVER. Since six years ago.

I win, suckah.

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