You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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My novel 2004.. My novel 2006.. My novel 2008..

(diaryland) May 28, 2001 - 10:51 p.m.

Lately, I've been feeling a little bit the way I did when I was stressed out at university. At uni, I got hardly any sleep and spent literally days doing work and nothing else. Not eating. Not sleeping. Not even watching telly (gasp!). This made me think very strange things a lot of the time. And now, it's happening again, but not too badly.

For instance, today on the train home, I was certain there was lots of blood trickling down my forehead. And I keep thinking that someone's definitely about to come and kill me. It really makes you feel on edge which makes you sleep less which makes you sillier.

I've never taken drugs in my life, except for Zoloft, but that didn't do anything. And I've been to a psychiatrist, but all that happened was I told him all these weird thoughts I'd been having, and he'd say, "OK, Clare, time's up now." He did give me biscuits, though.

All this kind of thinking lends itself quite well to being in an art-metal band. I'm trying out for yet another simultaneous band (this time I will be playing bass) on Wednesday. Hopefully it will be an art-metal band. Me, Michele and Jon band is still my number one, though. How I do love us.

P.S. I have finished the Adventures of Sporran.

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