You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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My novel 2004.. My novel 2006.. My novel 2008..

(diaryland) May 27, 2001 - 12:13 p.m.

Yesterday, my Dad went to New Zealand to visit his brothers and sisters and mother for a month. He needs a whole month because he has a lot of brothers and sisters. He has so many, I haven't even met them all yet, I think. Most of them live in Christchurch, and that's where he grew up, so that's where he went. We said goodbye to him at the airport and went back to our car which had decided to have a flat tyre. Neither me nor my Mum could be bothered fixing it, so we got some guy in a yellow truck to do it for us. Then we went home.

Later on in the day, I went to my sister's birthday party and ate far too much pizza. Then I went to another dinner with Rosie, but ate far less stuff. Then we went to see a band called Bigger than Jesus, but that didn't work very well because we flaked out by the end of the first band and never made it any further. The band we did get to see was called Medusa, and they were stupendous. They were cute too. They had a primitive rock thing happening, a wee bit like the Scientists, and the singer had a fabulous voice that sounded like something from the early eighties that I've forgotten about. And they were from Christchurch. So the whole day wrapped up into a big circle of Christchurchness and suddenly the world made sense. Oh, and I lost my glasses and found them again. That's all.

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