You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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(diaryland) May 13, 2001 - 9:20 p.m.

I bought a rug yesterday for five dollars but I really wanted one that cost three thousand dollars. The one I ended up getting was nearly as good. Buying a rug was awesome because it actually made me clean up my room for the very first time. I put all my pyjama pants with rents in the bottoms in a big plastic bag. I put all my gnarled CDs back in the CD rack, some of which hadn't made it that far before. I threw out bits of paper with poems on them. I found things. I put a tiny goblet in my doll's house. I don't know where all the cutlery for my doll's house is and it's stressing me out. The dolls can't eat.

As soon as there was enough room for the rug, I stopped cleaning. There are still too many things on the floor but someday there won't be. Rugs are such motivational items.

Interesting true fact about Clare: I have never been further north than the Tropic of Capricorn (that's the lower one, right?).

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