You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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(diaryland) April 26, 2001 - 11:31 p.m.

Sans Pants

sans pants
and he found it for the first time
inferior     and bawdy kind of

but nobody could say the same for the other one
who danced and swung
and got hard

This is a poem about men who choose to dance around with no pants on. I took the artistic licence of assuming that if a pantsless man danced particularly vigorously, they might bang their penis around so much that they may possibly get a stiffy (or crack a fat, if you will). Please correct me if I�m wrong. Also, I�m in no way affiliated with pantsless dancing men, nor do I find them erotic.

The first man mentioned in the poem is becoming disillusioned with pantsless dancing, in fact, so this poem is actually discouraging the practice.

This diary entry is sure to get some interesting google referrals.

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