You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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My novel 2004.. My novel 2006.. My novel 2008..

(diaryland) July 18, 2000 - 19:44:58

Ever since I took up my new favourite pastime, I've noticed things go a little awry. I pee in the shower almost every time I'm in there. At first, I found it very difficult to go without a bowl-shaped object under my bottom, but now it comes free-and-easy. I think it's good. I'm very careful; I always pee right on the plughole so it's all clean and tidy. Gee, I hope Diane, the girl I'm going to move in with next year, never reads this. She might not be too happy.

Anyway, ever since I've become free-and-easy with the shower peeing scene, it seems that I've knocked a chink in the floodgate. Today, I was standing around in a second-hand record shop, looking for Velvet Underground records (I didn't find any). Anyway, when I was sifting through a bunch of LPs, all of a sudden this cold wind blew through the door and I shivered and I peed a little bit.

I can't believe I'm writing this. What's wrong with me? Who in the world would want to read about this sort of thing?

Let's talk about something nice. I bought sparkly blue nailpolish today. I'm going to wear a tie tomorrow night when I play with my band at our gig. I always get ever-so-nervous when I have to perform in front of others. I always need to go to the toilet a lot. Uh-oh. I'm doomed.

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